Kid Stuff
If you have children then you have kid stuff. In my home it is clothing, toys, hobbies, games, crafts, laughter, tears, lessons learned, and mountainous piles of dishes and laundry. I love 99 percent of it (the dishes not quite so much). These articles are a wee little peek into the stuff that hangs around the kids at our house.
Gift Ideas for a Boy Age 9 or 10:
Pre-teen boys are active, energetic, curious, and at the perfect age for learning new skills. Which means that there are a large number of areas to theme his gift in. Although this age are not often thrilled to receive clothing he is generally happy to receive a gift with his name on it. (Hint: If purchasing clothing add in a secondary gift item as well).
Gift Ideas for a Boy Age 9 or 10:
Pre-teen boys are active, energetic, curious, and at the perfect age for learning new skills. Which means that there are a large number of areas to theme his gift in. Although this age are not often thrilled to receive clothing he is generally happy to receive a gift with his name on it. (Hint: If purchasing clothing add in a secondary gift item as well).