Gift Ideas for a Boy Age 9 or 10

Scouting out a Birthday or Christmas gift for a nine or ten year old boy can be such fun. There are a lot of items he would be thrilled to receive. He is at an age where he has a lot of interests and he is always excited to discover a present with his name on it. Active, inquisitive, and endearing a 9 or 10 year old boy loves to see a video game, sports equipment, sweet treat, money, or toys gifted to him. Watching his favorite television shows, tossing around a ball, playing with his toy cars, playing video games, or chasing his friends or his sister around the yard, a school age boy seems to have a boundless amount of energy. He is always busy doing something. Fitness gifts are important for today's kids. Times have changed a lot since we were kids. We spent a lot our time outdoors and playing but with the introduction of computers and video games children today are much more sedentary than we were. After school kids spend time playing video games or watching television an...